Membership Application
Applicants are advised that Mankind Project Queensland Inc Association is incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 of Queensland. IA41651 The Association holds public liability insurance to a limit of $20 million.

The Association is currently inviting membership applications from men resident in Queensland who have completed the New Warrior Training Adventure. If you have not completed the New Warrior Training Adventure, you are:
  1. Strongly encouraged to contact !
  2. Welcome to make a donation in support.

Your membership application will be assessed by the next meeting of our Leadership Council (unless you have previously been accepted into membership and are just using this form to update your details!) Our Leadership Council meets monthly. In the unlikely event we do not accept your membership application your payment will be fully refunded.
Your details…
I have attended NWTA
Please select this option if you have attended the New Warrior Training Adventure.
Would you like to include a donation?
Amount: $0  Options

Support the Mankind Project

The Mankind Project Qld Inc is an ACNC Registered Health Promotion Charity. Donations are income tax deductible and will be used to advance the Association's charitable objectives.

Consider becoming a become a member of Mankind Project Qld Inc.

A one off donation of $249
A one off donation of $149
A one off donation of $59
A one off donation of $20
I prefer to choose my own amount to donate: